
Julia Krueger


Having a background in political sciences and sociology combined with public law, economics, psychology, and education (University of Potsdam/ King’s College London: Diplom Politikwissenschaft),  I am working on issues of national and international internet policy today. This includes:

  • the history of national and international networking policy,
  • its challenge of societal norms, regulations, and structures,
  • policy analysis: actors, issues, and trends, and
  • policy learning: better and worst practices.

I give special attention to singular issues like content regulation and  manipulation, consumer and data protection, or algorithms and machine learning.

Next to research, I do:

  • project development and management
  • counseling and advice
  • talks, teaching, and workshops

Professional Background & Affiliations

Since 2015, I work in cooperation with netzpolitik.org – whether as an independent author, in responsibility of specific projects (e.g. “Das ist Netzpolitik!-Conference), or as an independent speaker (e.g.: Medienanstalt Hamburg/ Schleswig Holstein,  Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Evangelische/ Katholische Akademie).

Since May 2016, I am happy to cooperate as a fellow with the Center of Internet and Human Rights (CIHR), European University Viadrina, Frankfurt/ Oder.

Former employers include: Berlin Social Science Center (WZB, Project Group: The Internet Policy Field), Association Self-Regulation Information Economy (SRIW), Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS), Institute of European Politics (IEP), and the University of Potsdam (Chair of International Politics).

In case of questions or requests please contact: juliak (at) netzpolitik (dot) org (preferably encrypted). Recent insights and considerations can be followed on Twitter: @phaenomen.



Julia Krüger